Sunday 31 July 2016

First bike I owned

My very first bike was a Raleigh mountain bike i can't remember the model as i was about 7 or 8 years old but i used a lot but never went to the trails to use it just on the road. Always used it to cycle to my friends or families houses.

I hardly ever  washed it which i as i always fought that mud was like a trophy as it had been ridden. I had no idea about gears apart from the cassette which i always kept in the middle gear and just kept grinding away even up hills even if they were nothing like alpe du huez just small hills or bridges going over railway  tracks or over busy A roads.

Owning that bike gave me a sense of freedom to go and explore the town and villages near my home whilst giving me the freedom of repairing a puncture by myself in the back garden of my parents house.

At the age of ten i had to get rid of this bike due to it being rusty and i couldn't sell it on because it was about to fall to bits from not washing it as often as i should have but it was a good learning curve for the future.

Thanks for reading.

Saturday 30 July 2016

About me

  Hello, my name is james or as some people like to call me by my nickname jamma  (which stuck with from being in a scout group). This blog is my personal story of how i became sucked into the world of cycling. I am 22 years old so not to old that i can't compete or become professional which i aim to one day. 

Thank you for reading my first post.